Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (2/3/25)

Happy Monday my reader friends!

I hope that you’re all doing okay. I know the last two weeks have been…. rough. I’ve been reading as much as I can, when I feel like it, but it has slowed down. On a happy note though, I’ve still yet to read a book that I didn’t enjoy. So that’s always a good thing! I’m going to keep DNFing as much it takes to avoid reading a book that doesn’t make me happy.

Let’s take a look at where things are this week, shall we?


Read Last Week:

Last week I finished All the Names They Used for God by Anjali Sachdeva. I was going to review this, but honestly I’ve really not been in the mood. What I will say is that I very much enjoyed it! It’s both hopeful and brutally truthful. There’s a lot in here that will make you teary, but a lot that will make you feel strong too. I recommend it!

Currently Reading:

I’m still slowly making my way through The Book That Wouldn’t Burn by Mark Lawrence. It’s a long book that I’m really trying to savor, and I’m actually half listening/half reading it so I can annotate at the same time! During work, I’m listening to The Resurrectionist by A. Rae Dunlap which is honestly fantastic so far! I should be done and ready to review it this week.

Reading Next:

Next up I’m going to read A Drop of Corruption by Robert Jackson Bennett and I am SO EXCITED. I absolutely adored the first book in this series, and I was thrilled when the publisher offered me an ARC of the newest book. I can’t wait to review it for you!

That’s it for me! What are you reading this week?

One Comment

  • Mia is mine

    I so agree with you – DNFing books is so important! Time is too precious to waste on books we would rather not read. I added All the Names They Used For God and The Resurrectionist to my TBR! Thank you for sharing!

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