Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

This or That? with Charles Benoit

Please welcome Charles Benoit, author of the new book Fall From Grace. Chances are you might have heard his name in 2010 when his wildly popular YA book You came out! Let me give you a peek at what you can look forward to.

Grace always has a plan. There’s her plan to get famous, her plan to get rich, and—above all—her plan to have fun.

Sawyer has plenty of plans too. Plans made for him by his mother, his father, his girlfriend. Maybe they aren’t his plans, but they are plans.

When Sawyer meets Grace, he wonders if he should come up with a few plans himself. Plans about what he actually wants to be, plans to speak his own mind for a change, plans to maybe help Grace with a little art theft.

Wait a minute—plans to what?

My review of Fall From Grace is coming up in the next few weeks! In the meantime, Charles Benoit was kind enough to answer a few questions in another session of This or That? Enjoy!

Date night at home or out? Date night. Always. My wife and I are semi-reformed party animals and a night out together at a crowded, over-priced club with an out-of-tune band and watered-down drinks is far better than a rented DVD and hot coco.
Ebooks or print books? Tough one. A year ago I would have said print, but I’m reading more on my Nook now and like it. That said, I like writing notes in the margins, and while I know there’s a way to do it with an E-reader, I prefer writing them in on the page.
Watch the movie or read the book? The book—but really, it depends on my mood. When I want a pizza, the best steak in the world won’t taste right, and vise versa. When I want a book, I read a book, and when I want a movie, I watch a movie.
Comedies or Romances? Comedies. My favorite all time is Animal Crackers staring the Marx Brothers. It’s black & white (gasp!) and it’s old (double-gasp!), but it is brilliant. Favorite modern movie would be The Hangover.
Cooking or baking? Ordering out.
Shoes or bare feet? Shoes. Fancy ones, too.
Walk or run? Saunter. It’s walking with style and no purpose.
Chocolate or fruit candy? Fruit candy? What freak of nature thing is that? Dark chocolate, please.
Classics or Best sellers? Neither. I tend to read obscure books from little-know modern authors. Right now I’m reading Monstress, a collection of short stories by Lysley Tenorio. It’s wonderful.
Watch a tv show in real time, or wait until the whole season is out? There’s only two shows I’m obsessed with, Wipeout (real time) and Mad Men (we don’t have cable so we buy it on itunes the day after it airs). By the way, if you (or a parent) are a producer on either show, give me a call—I’m so available!

When he’s not traveling around the globe in the search of exotic, tax-deductible settings for his mysteries, Charles Benoit spends his days pumping out subliminal-laced advertising.
Nominated for an Edgar and a Barry, Relative Danger won the Franklin award and was the darling of fans and critics alike. Out of Order (2006) is set in modern India while Noble Lies (September 2007) takes place in Thailand.