
Musings and updates


How long has it been since I’ve actually written something on here that wasn’t a guest post, a Summer Reading Challenge post, or a review? I can’t even remember. Things have been flying by and I’m just holding on to the kite string for dear life. Loving every minute of it too.

Let’s see. What’s new in my life?

Well, we got FIOS! My awesome, old, built in the 1960’s apartment finally got rewired to host this awesome service. Now my Internet is lightning fast, our TV is awesome, and I’m a happy girl.

Have I mentioned I’m addicted to technology? No? I am.

In other news, I’ve gotten back into my reading groove lately! I’ve been devouring books a lightning pace and falling in love over and over again. My favorite so far? Definitely Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. Awesome Kari was sweet enough to send me a copy from ALA, which I promptly devoured. It’s a fantastic book! I can’t wait to post my review in late October.

What else?

I’m still addicted to sweets.

The BF and I are on a money saving kick and so instead of buying pudding pops like we normally do, we’ve been making them! There is nothing better than pulling one out of the freezer and enjoying the creamy coolness. It’s been so hot I’ve been flying through these. Good thing my job requires me to burn a lot of calories!

Oh who am I kidding? I’d eat them anyway.

Hmmm….I suppose that’s about it.

Shameless plug, my “Beach Reads” Summer Reading Challenge is still in full swing! There’s a month left to participate, and the prizes are lovely.

Not participating yet? Click HERE to start!

Who doesn’t want to win a copy of Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey? In fact I might give away a pre-order of Shatter Me too…..we’ll see if I can be persuaded.

So that’s it my lovely people! Thanks for sticking with me, even during the times things get a little sparse around here. I’m always here! I’m always reading your comments. I’m always appreciative of how motivating you can all be. SO THANKS!

I’ll see you on the flip side.