Book Reviews

Book Review: Zan-Gah

The hero, Zan-Gah seeks his lost twin in a savage prehistoric world, encountering suffering, captivity, conflict, love, and triumph. In three years, Zan-Gah passes from an uncertain boyhood to a tried and proven manhood and a position of leadership among his people.

–From Goodreads

Cover Inspection:
Love the lion!

First Thoughts:
This is unlike anything I’ve ever read before.


My Review:
Zan-Gah is a new taste for my literary palette, and I admit that when I first finished reading it I wasn’t sure exactly what I thought. My head was still reeling from all the action that I had just encountered with Zan and his counterparts, but as I didn’t have anything else to compare this book to I wasn’t sure how it rated in my mind. Finally, I decided that this book is just in its own realm. A new and amazing type of fiction that cannot be compared to anything else because it is so unique. Truthfully, I loved this book!
The story opens with action right away, throwing the reader straight into a lion hunt with Zan and his clan members. A lion has killed a child, and now sadly must be killed. I was impressed that Zan was so stoic and rigid under the threat of attacking such a fast and fearsome creature. It was from this point that I knew he would be a character I would enjoy following through the story. Intelligent, strong, and a leader. Zan is a character who you can watch grow and feel invested in.

Allan writes with a depth that is truly intense. Each and every scene in the book is written in such vivid detail, that those of you with good imaginations will find yourselves walking the same paths as Zan does. There were times when I was so involved in this book that I didn’t hear my phone ring. That’s pretty amazing! The one thing I felt was lacking in this department was more description of the other characters. I learned so much about Zan and enjoyed his company, but I felt like the other characters were hidden behind his epic character.

Zan-Gah is a perfectly paced book for young adults, always giving enough action to keep the reader going but never pushing too much. What caught my attention most while reading this book however, is how much you will find yourself learning while you read. It’s not often that a book can teach and entertain at the same time, and as an educator that is something that I strongly look for. Allan Richard Shickman has woven a beautiful and unique tale with Zan-Gah. I see this not only as a young adult story, but as a story that people of all ages would in fact enjoy.

Book Details
Title: Zan-Gah
Author: Allan Richard Shickman
Publisher: Earthshaker Books
Pages: Paperback; 148
Source: Received from publisher.
FTC Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book in return for a fair and honest review.

Final Rating: 4 Keys to My Heart
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