Meet The Bloggers

I’m Jessica, the founder of this cozy little blog. Welcome to my little corner of the web! Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile began in April 2010, when I decided to stop pestering my friends with my bookish opinions and put them online instead. I quickly fell in love with the book blog world and all the awesome people in it. Reading is in my blood!
I’ve been a ravenous reader since I was a little girl. I’d go on trips with my mom to the library, once a week, and drag home piles and piles of books. I read so fast, in fact, that by my early teens I had read my way through our entire Children’s Fiction section and started reading books aimed at adults instead. Although I definitely have favorite genres, you’d be hard pressed to find something I won’t read. I’m honored you took the time to learn about me, and look forward to sharing my thoughts with you!

I’m Tina, the trusty sidekick here at HDB. I’ve been a reader as long as I can remember. I grew up loving the Nancy Drew mysteries and Babysitters Club drama. I still remember the excitement of getting the new Harry Potter books on release day and devouring them the same day. Though my tastes have changed and developed over the years I still love getting lost in a book world. I have two young kids so my reading time has dwindled but I try to sneak it in whenever I can.
Every summer my family would take a camping or road trip to a new destination which meant lots of time in a car. This was golden time for me (whenever I wasn’t sleeping of course) because I could delve into my books and escape the torment of my three siblings. My new favorite mantra is “I don’t need therapy, I just need books”. I look forward to sharing my random, and sometimes absurd, thoughts with you all!