Guest Post: Willful Parties by Liz Ellyn
Hello friends, and welcome to my stop on the Willful Parties blog tour! Author Liz Ellyn is making the rounds, and sharing all about her newest romance novel.
Guest Post: Jennifer Povey, author of Daughter of Fire
Good morning lovely people! You’ve made it to the middle of the week, and that’s something to celebrate. For me, it’s been a bit of a rough one. Still, there’s nothing I look forward to more than sharing good stories and new authors with you! Today Jennifer Povey, author of the standalone Fantasy novel Daughter of Fire, is here to share a guest post with you! I’m reading my way through this now and it’s stellar. I hope to have a review up for you soon. In the meantime, please enjoy her wonderful thoughts on romance in writing. Laura led…
Guest Post: R.J. Corgan – The Character in the Flaw
Good morning everyone, and happy Wednesday! You’ve made it through half the week, so congratulations on that! Hopefully I can keep the content flowing, and give you some distraction to help you get through the day. In my opinion, today’s guest post definitely fits that bill. R.J. Corgan is here, talking about his characters in Cold Flood. I think you’ll enjoy this! For geologist Kea Wright, when a volcano erupts under an ice cap, it isn’t just a good time, it’s a living. Camped at the base of an icecap in southeast Iceland, geologist Kea Wright and her team are…
Guest Post + Giveaway: The Revolution by Alicia Michaels
Title: The Revolution Author: Alicia Michaels Series: (The Bionics Novels, #3) Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing Publication date: January 18th 2018 Genres: Adult, Dystopian, Science Fiction Blythe Sol has a New Year’s Resolution, but it’s not your typical self-improvement plan. She wants to end the conflict between the government and the Resistance once and for all—by sneaking into Washington D.C. and putting a bullet in President Drummond’s skull. If she can cut the head off the snake, the genocide of the Bionics might finally end. But if she fails, she will surely bring retaliation crushing down upon the entire Resistance.…
Guest Post: Child Maltreatment and Futuristic Technologies by Robert Eggleton
Hello everyone, and happy Thursday before a holiday weekend! I know that I’ve been scarce lately, and Tina has been taking on more than her fair share of posts, but I wanted to pop back in before the new year with a very important post. Robert Eggleton, author of Rarity from the Hollow is here with a guest post that is just as poignant as his book. As an advocate for the prevention of child abuse, Eggleton uses his authorial platform as a means of both entertaining and informing his readers. I can’t think of a better way to get this…
A Guest Post by Author Dane Cobain
Good morning and happy hump day my lovely bookworms! I’ve got a treat for you today! Author and poet, Dane Cobain has graced us with some wonderful information about Booktube and how to get started. I don’t know about any of you, but the idea of getting to know authors and their work on a more personal level seems interesting. Let’s get to it then! Introducing BookTube: What it is and How it Can Help Gone are the days when people had only a couple of major TV channels to choose from. These days, viewers are switching up their habits…
Original Bespoke Poetry by Dane Cobain
Good evening my darling bookworms! I’ve quite the treat for you today, as bookish things go. Dane Cobain, author of the amazing books you’ll see below, has graced us with a piece of original poetry! What’s even cooler, is that he allowed me to give him 5 words, and then wove those into said poetry. I played with a random word generator and came up with: justice passion joy cement breakfast If that’s not an impressive set of words to weave into a bespoke poem, I don’t know what would be. Please enjoy a look at…
Book Spotlight + Giveaway: Undead Ultra by Camille Picott
Are you ready for some zombie goodness on this fine Tuesday, my bookish friends? I certainly hope so, since that’s exactly what I have to offer today. My ongoing joke is that I’ll only run if there are zombies chasing after me. Well, in the case of Undead Ultra, that’s exactly Kate and Frederico’s motivation. Camille Picott has meshed together the ultramarathon, with the walking dead. Intrigued? Read on. Undead: a reanimated corpse with a craving for human flesh. Ultramarathon: any footrace longer than a traditional marathon (26.2 miles). For ultrarunners Kate and Frederico, a typical Saturday morning is spent…
Book Spotlight + Giveaway: The Lost Twin by Sophie Cleverly
I sincerely hope so, because it’s time for another book spotlight! This time, our spotlight shines on a book that not only has an adorable cover, but also looks like a ton of fun to read. You all know that I have a soft spot in my heart for Middle Grade reads, and The Lost Twin looks like my kind of book! Ivy, I pray that it’s you reading this. And if you are, well, I suppose you’re the new me… When shy Ivy’s troublemaking twin Scarlet vanishes from Rookwood boarding school, Ivy is invited to “take her place.” But when…
Book Spotlight + Giveaway: Whatever It Takes by Lindsey Pogue
Follow the tour! Good morning to you, my favorite bookish people! We’re in the midst of moving, so half of our stuff is in one place and half is in another. The good news is, that I still have fabulous content to share with you while I’m too busy to read! This spotlight is no exception, because Lindsey Pogue and Whatever It Takes are in the spotlight today. Let’s take a look. Four years ago, I thought my life was pretty normal for a teenager. Three years ago, my world was shattered, and now I’m just trying to hold the pieces…