It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (2/3/25)
Happy Monday my reader friends! I hope that you’re all doing okay. I know the last two weeks have been…. rough. I’ve been reading as much as I can, when I feel like it, but it has slowed down. On a happy note though, I’ve still yet to read a book that I didn’t enjoy. So that’s always a good thing! I’m going to keep DNFing as much it takes to avoid reading a book that doesn’t make me happy. Let’s take a look at where things are this week, shall we? Read Last Week: Last week I finished All…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (1/6/25)
Happy Monday my reader friends! The year has just begun, and I’m pleased to report that I’ve started it with a lot of great reads. Pretty much all in progress if I’m being honest. But hey, that’s the way to start things off, right? New year, same me. The reader who starts four books at the same time because she’s a glutton for punishment hahaha. Let’s take a look at where things are this week, shall we? Read Last Week: Last week I finished one last book when The Pretty Ones by Ania Ahlborn came in on my library hold…