Sunday Post #1: A Long Week
This week felt so long, and exhausting, despite the fact that Monday was a holiday from work. I mean I know exactly why it did. Still I was emotionally drained and so very happy when it was finally Friday again. I’ve spent my weekend doing my best to unwind and recharge. Don’t forget to take care of yourselves, friends. Rest is productive. A quiet week, yes. No brain power was had. And, if we’re being honest, probably a rambling post as well. I try to keep this blog a mix of posts that are book related and just a place…
Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves (9)
Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Tynga’s Reviews respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ================================================================ I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I am in a review slump. I’ve been reading like crazy, but I just haven’t had the energy to sit down actually write up reviews. Here’s hoping this short, holiday week will lift my spirits! I’m all kinds of burnt out. -.- It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (11/18) Book Review: Six Months Later by Natalie D. Richards Great book! Totally worth the read if you’re a…
Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves (8)
Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Tynga’s Reviews respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ================================================================ Hope your weekend was lovely, my fellow bookworms! It’s been a pretty busy week around here, with another busy week to come. Let’s see what’s up on the menu. Shall we? Bout of Books 8.0: Goals Post Are YOU ready for Bout of Books Read-A-Thon? I am! For the love of BookLikes If you haven’t checked out BookLikes, here’s a review and some reasons why you might want to! Book Review: Welcome to the Darkness by L.M.…
Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves (7)
Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Tynga’s Reviews respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ================================================================ Hope your weekend was lovely, my fellow bookworms! It’s been a pretty busy week around here, with another busy week to come. Let’s see what’s up on the menu. Shall we? Book Review: Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey Tragic romance, Celtic lore and Edgar Allen Poe? Who can ask for more? Book Review: Infinityglass by Myra McEntire A great ending to an amazing series! * Giveaway: Infinityglass Book Review: Mystery Girl by Daniel Gordon Not quite…
Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves (6)
Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Tynga’s Reviews respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ================================================================ So many goodies this week :). I’ve been working hard to catch up on my TBR, and then more amazing books just show up. It’s a pretty wonderful problem to have for a bookworm! Book Review: Escape From Eden by Elisa Nader What will Mia discover beneath the surface of her cult’s calm facade? Book Review: The Family That Stays Together by Deborah Plummer Bussey A former nun turned sleuth! Watch as she solves the mystery as…
Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves (5)
Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Tynga’s Reviews respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ================================================================ I have to share that I discovered the beauty of The Perks of Being a Wallflower movie and I’m in love! I may be late to the party, but I so don’t care. Both the movie and the book are amazing. Anyway, let’s head into the recap! Susannah Scott’s Luck of the Dragon Serial Blog Tour! Are you a fan of Paranormal Romance? Susannah Scott aims to deliver! Enter to win some swag! Book Review: A Trick of…
Sunday Post / In My Mailbox (4)
Sunday Post and In My Mailbox are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Mod Podge Bookshelf respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ======================================================================= This week I’m playing catch up with two weeks of happenings. We were in Vegas all last weekend as I marked the passing of another birthday! So here’s what you might have missed the last two weeks :). Book Review: Tempestuous by Kim Askew & Amy Helmes A fun and fresh retelling of The Tempest by Shakespeare! Book Review: Riding on a Beam of Light by Ramsey Dean Love picture books? Interested in Einstein? This book combines both!…
Sunday Post / In My Mailbox (3)
Sunday Post and In My Mailbox are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Mod Podge Bookshelf respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ======================================================================= It’s been a wonderful week here on the blog! I can’t wait to post reviews for some of the amazing books I’ve read this week :). Book Review: Beside Your Heart by Mary Whitney A sweet and heartbreaking read with wonderful characters! Book Review: Playing the Part by Robin Covington Looking for a sexy romance with lots of steam? Mick will charm your pants off! Guest Post: Lois Metzger, author of A Trick of the…
Sunday Post / In My Mailbox (2)
Sunday Post and In My Mailbox are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Mod Podge Bookshelf respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ======================================================================= Second week I’ve been able to do this :). I’m loving visiting other bloggers and following new awesome people! Let’s get going! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (1) My first post to get back into this awesome meme! Book Review – Wanted: Wife by Gwen Jones Adorable, witty and super fun romance read! I loved Andy Devine….*swoon* Book Review – The Battle for Princess Madeline by Kirstin Pulioff A short, sweet read with…
Sunday Post / In My Mailbox (1)
Sunday Post and In My Mailbox are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Mod Podge Bookshelf respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun! ======================================================================= It’s been a long time since I’ve posted one of these! I’d like to get back into doing these once a week and sharing with you what I’m stoked to read! So let’s get going! Blogger Backstage Pass: Melissa from Harley Bear Book Blog Looking for a new blogger to follow? Every month I highlight a new blog I love! Check it out. Resilient Cover Love + Giveaway Resilient is already getting amazing buzz! Here’s your…