Book Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Media Type: Ebook Title: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight Author: Jennifer E. Smith Publisher: Poppy Pages: Hardcover; 256 Release Date: January 2, 2012 Source: NetGalley ——————————————————————— Content Screening: Nothing of note HDB Rating: 5 Keys to My Heart Recommended to: Readers who enjoy sweet romance coupled with a bittersweet teenage life. Add it on: Goodreads | Amazon | BookLikes Four minutes changes everything. Hadley Sullivan 17 misses her flight at JFK airport, is late to her father’s second wedding in London with never-met stepmother. Hadley meets the perfect boy. Oliver is British, sits in her row. A long…
Book Review: Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt
Media Type: Ebook (ARC) Title: Hold Me Like a Breath Author: Tiffany Schmidt Publisher: Bloomsbury Pages: Hardcover; 400 Release Date: May 19, 2015 Source: FFBC Blog Tours / Publisher —————————————————– Content Screening: Mild Violence HDB Rating: 3 Keys to My Heart Recommended to: Readers who love their romance with a background of intrigue. Add it on: Goodreads | Amazon | BookLikes Penelope Landlow has grown up with the knowledge that almost anything can be bought or sold—including body parts. She’s the daughter of one of the three crime families that control the black market for organ transplants. Penelope’s surrounded by all…
Book Review: Behind the Stars by Leigh Talbert Moore
This wonderful book releases today so get your copy now! Media Type: Ebook (ARC) Title: Behind the Stars Author: Leigh Talbert Moore Publisher: Self Pages: ebook, 287 Release Date: December 31, 2014 Source: Author ———————————————————- Content Screening: Mild Violence HDB Rating: 4 Keys to My Heart Recommended to: Readers that enjoy sci-fi and normal girls who become heroes. Add it on: Goodreads | Amazon | BookLikes Prentiss Puckett is certain of three things: -Graduation is two weeks away. -Summer only gets hotter in south Mississippi. -She’s getting a job with air-conditioning. She did not expect to be kidnapped walking to work. And she never expected to become a hero. If you haven’t picked up the…
Book Blitz + Giveaway: The Star Catcher by Stephanie Keyes
Today was such a busy day that I almost forgot to get this blitz up! Which would have been a shame really, as The Star Catcher looks like a book that a lot of you are going to love. Ready to check out the magic? Magick and destiny intertwine as he fights to save his kingdom and the goddess he loves. Her kiss…the feel of her skin…the beat of her heart…For seventeen-year-old Kellen St. James, each memory is marred by a single sentence on a lone strip of paper. Cali has been taken… Armed with an amulet that channels the ultimate…